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Infrastructure Regulation: What Works, Why and How Do We Know? Lessons From Asia and Beyond

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AuthorJarvis Darryl S L Et Al
Published LanguageEnglish
Publication Year2011
PublisherWorld Scientific
Original Price$225
Ships By2-3 days


Regulation of public infrastructure has been a topic of interest for more than a century. Providing public goods, securing their financing, maintenance, and improving the efficiency of their delivery, has generated a voluminous literature and series of debates. More recently, these issues have again become a central concern, as new public management approaches have transformed the role of the state in the provision of public goods and the modalities by which the financing of infrastructure and its operation are procured.

Yet, despite the proliferation of new modalities of regulating infrastructure little is known about what works and why. Why do certain regulatory regimes fail and others succeed? What regulatory designs and institutional features produce optimal outcomes and how? And why do regulatory forms of governance when transplanted into different institutional contexts produce less than uniform outcomes?

This book addresses these questions, exploring the theoretical foundations of regulation as well as a series of case studies drawn from the telecommunications, electricity, and water sectors. It brings together distinguished scholars and expert practitioners to explore the practical problems of regulation, regulatory design, infrastructure operation, and the implications for infrastructure provision.

About the author
Nus, S'Pore

Additional information

Weight1.016 kg
Dimensions22.9 × 15.2 cm


Published Language

Publication Year



Original Price



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2-3 days