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Noise and Vibration Control, 2nd Edition

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AuthorM L Munjal and B Venkatesham
Published LanguageEnglish
Publication Year2025
PublisherWorld Scientific
Original Price$138.00
Ships By7-8 days


This unique compendium stresses on physical concepts and the applications to practical problems. The authors’ decades of experience in teaching, research and industrial consultancy are reflected in the choice of the solved examples and unsolved problems.

The second edition has three additional chapters containing topics of vibration and acoustic sensors and instruments, finite element method (FEM), boundary element method (BEM) and statistical energy analysis (SEA), etc, thus enabling students to solve real-life problems in industrial and automotive noise control.

The useful reference text targets senior undergraduate mechanical and environmental engineering students as well as designers of industrial machinery and layouts. The book can readily be used for self-study by practicing designers and engineers. Mathematical derivations are avoided and illustrations, tables and empirical formulae are included for ready reference.

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