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Statistical Physics: An Introductory Course

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Author Daniel Amit J et al.
ISBN 9781944659974
Published Language English
Publication Year 2022
Publisher World Scientific
Binding Paperback
Original Price $52
Pages 580
Ships By 10-15 days


This invaluable textbook is an introduction to statistical physics that has been written primarily for self-study. It provides a comprehensive approach to the main ideas of statistical physics at the level of an introductory course, starting from the kinetic theory of gases and proceeding all the way to Bose ? Einstein and Fermi ? Dirac statistics. Each idea is brought out with ample motivation and clear, step-by-step, deductive exposition. The key points and methods are presented and discussed on the basis of concrete representative systems, such as the paramagnet, Einstein?s solid, the diatomic gas, black body radiation, electric conductivity in metals and superfluidity.

The book is written in a stimulating style and is accompanied by a large number of exercises appropriately placed within the text and by self-assessment problems at the end of each chapter. Detailed solutions of all the exercises are provided.

Additional information

Weight 1.015 kg
Dimensions 26.05 × 19.05 × 3.12 cm


Published Language

Publication Year



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