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Cosmic Rays for Particle and Astroparticle Physics – Proceedings of the 12Th Icatpp Conference

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AuthorGiani Simone Et Al
Published LanguageEnglish
Publication Year2011
PublisherWorld Scientific
Original Price$240
Ships By2-3 days


The conference was aimed at promoting contacts between scientists involved in solar-terrestrial physics, space physics, astroparticle physics and cosmology both from the theoretical and the experimental approach. The conference was devoted to physics and physics requirements, survey of theoretical models and performances of detectors employed (or to be employed) in experiments for fundamental physics, astroparticle physics, astrophysics research and space environment ? including Earth magnetosphere and heliosphere and solar-terrestrial physics. Furthermore, cosmic rays have been used to extend the scientific research experience to teachers and students with air shower arrays and other techniques. Presentations included the following subjects: advances in physics from present and next generation ground and space experiments, dark matter, double beta decay, high-energy astrophysics, space environment, trapped particles, propagation of cosmic rays in the Earth atmosphere, Heliosphere, Galaxy and broader impact activities in cosmic rays science.

The open and flexible format of the Conference was conducive to fruitful exchanges of points of view among participants and permitted the evaluation of the progresses made and indicated future research directions. The participants were experienced researchers but also graduate students (MSc and PhD) and recent postdoctoral fellows.

About the author
Cern, Switzerland

Additional information

Weight1.138 kg
Dimensions22.9 × 15.2 cm


Published Language

Publication Year



Original Price



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2-3 days